If you're thinking of hopping on a flight to the Maldives, going on a backpacking trip through Bali or are looking to explore the South of Italy, we suggest you get a sneak preview through the feeds of Benelux’ best travel bloggers. Get an answer to all your wanderlust questions *thanks to oona’s travel connaisseurs* and discover where to stay, what to eat and how to live like a local.

Johan Lolos
Johan's blog feels more like a photography album than a travel blog. To put it in his own words: "It's a travel diary with photography as its main medium". This blog inspires us to explore and never return with mesmerizing landscapes and all the right photo angles. His travels focus mainly on the outdoors, wildlife & the wilderness. For Johan, no mountain is high enough, no river too wide. On top of that, he's a published author and has a Ted talk on his record. For inspiration closer to home, check out his ebook 'Peaks of Europe'.
Yannick De Pauw
For great hands-on inspiration in Belgium and abroad, look no further. Yannick knows all the ins and outs of his travel destinations, from visa applications to travel insurance and which dishes to try. Craving a short getaway? Soms ook Heimwee also shows some great tips closer to home. The blog is divided into categories to suit your needs: Camping, check. Close to home, check. Road trip, also check.

Priscilla Rosmolen en Evelien Andes-Riupassa
For all the island lovers and sunshine seekers, 'welikebali' is the page that spreads sunshine even on drizzly days. Eve and Pris are two dutchies with Indonesian roots who are spending all of their days sun-kissed. Initially, they just wanted to travel for a year, but that turned out quite differently...
Michiel Pieters
Looking to get visually overwhelmed? With his excellent photography skills, Michiel's pictures do tell a thousand words. By showing his work, he wants to inspire you to head out there & discover the world with your own eyes. This profile and its dreamlike photography never fail to inspire us. Ready for adventure time?

Sebastien Nagy
With a passion for geometric compositions and warm color palettes, Sebastien's pictures feel like miniature artworks. His photography is suited to inspire all kinds of travelers since he captures the perfect mix between outlined cities and natural wonders. Via drone photography, he shows you sights you've never seen before.

Elke Salverda & Sarah Reinhoudt
As they say themselves, 'Amsterdam is our hometown, but the world is our oyster.' The girls from Wanderlust are what you can call an all-around travel duo; they're really up for anything. Lately, they've been focussing on the lesser-known places and wrote this down in their very first book 'Off the Beaten Track'. So if you're looking for secret hotspots, check them out!
Ben Deleu
'Ben goes places' is a great travel blog on which Ben writes down his personal experiences and recommendations. Ranging from 'best safari resorts' to 'must-see Instagram hotspots', his profile focuses on hands-on tips & tricks to get you started. So when can we leave?

Yannick Merckx & Lesley Van Loon
Follow travel couple Yannick & Lesley via their separate profiles or their shared award-winning travel blog. Looking for weekend, brunch, or exotic backpacking inspiration? They've got it all. They share their personal story and give the best advice in case you want to undertake the same adventures as them.
Sebastiaan Bedaux
Sebastiaan Bedaux writes as a travel journalist for Belgium's most prominent magazines and has won several journalism awards. He shares his adventures on his website so you can get a sneak peek into the great places he travels to. Can't get enough of his pictures? He published his travel adventures in some books as well.
Greg Gerrits en Irene de Krijger
Greg and Irene are two dutchies who are the way to go if you're looking for some adventure in your travel saga. Sometimes when you're planning a trip, you're no longer able to see the forest for the trees, then these thrill-seekers come to the rescue with their blog full of experiences and tips.
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